Sacred Cow Shipyards
Comedy • Movies • Science & Tech
Here we take a serious, quasi-historical, (mostly) sober look at some of the most famous ships, vessels, installations, and other such things from science fiction and science-fiction-adjacent content. There will definitely be colorful language on account of me being a dockmaster. I will definitely say mean things about your favorite ship. You will /definitely/ end up offended.
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So this place is rather lonely now...

Don't worry Dockmaster, I'm still here, awaiting your return to your Locals supporters.

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Leave it to the Empire to come up with an imaginative name like "Imperial Troop Transport"

And, as you will note from the photos in the video, OF COURSE the ITT isn't standardized, in any way, shape, or form. There's, like, five different versions of the blessed thing, because NOTHING in the Star Wars universe can EVER be standardized.

As much as I like to rip on the Mon Calamari for producing basically one-off capitol ships, the entire universe has completely buggered their logistics chain.

"Oh, you want parts for an ITT? WHICH ONE?"

If your group's calling card is called a "Conquest Icon", you're pretty badass

I mean, I guess if your entire business model consists of, "Burn planets to the ground, and if your guys die, we'll just forcibly convert replacements from the available populace of the next planet," you're going to build some... interesting weapons.

They work well enough that even non-human advanced species are utterly terrified of them, though, so I guess there's that.

All clips and photos by way of The Chronicles of Riddick - - and you really should watch the entire series of movies.

I wouldn't even give the B-Wing a B grade

I have no idea why someone thought a massively overly-complicated, massive pain-in-the-ass-to-maintain monstrosity would make a good startfighter, but here we are.

At least it has a lot of guns?

Many thanks to Deputy Rust - - for developing the Tomboy Mandalorian.

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